National Teen Driver Safety Week Is Quickly Approaching!
Held on October 15th through the 21st, National Teen Driver Safety Week was actually started right here in Pennsylvania in 2007. It was created based on the statistics provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that shocked the state with the number for tragic accidents that included teen drivers. This week is to raise awareness to both parents and teens, on the potential dangers with teen driving and the importance of talking with your teen before they get behind the wheel.
The most vulnerable to these statistics are between the ages of 15-20 years of age. This age group accounts for the growth in tragedies for the following reasons:
- Easily distracted by cell phones, music, and other passengers
- Driver and passengers not wearing seat belts
- Lack of experience behind the wheel and in decision making
- Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
What can we do to have safe teen drivers?
- Talk to them
- Make sure they are aware of possible risks and how to avoid them
- Lead by example
- Show your teen that you follow the driving laws and all safety percations
- Let us help you!
- Blue Bell Driving School makes sure we show our students speed control, how to limit distractions, what possible risks could occur, and more!
Help raise awareness in your home today!